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Yanina De Martino

Yanina invites us to travel through a living world where abstract shapes, flying in space, transmit the message from the deepest senses. Her paintings are delicately crafted but at the same time enjoy their own freshness, a product of the impulse of creation itself.

How would you describe/define yourself?


I am a person who invites everyone to explore the world of abstract shapes that go around and transmit a message from the deepest of senses.


When and why did you decide to choose painting designing as a career? 


Around 20 years ago I decided to take up art as a hobby. However, I always had a strong feeling that this passion would eventually turn into a career. I have always had an ability for painting and sculpture.


What according to you is a favorite part of being a Paint Artist?


What I like best about being a Paint Artist is the mental process of creating a work of art through the combination of ideas that result in the painting. It is an amazing creative process.


What inspires you as an Artist? How do you visualize your muses?


Everything and nothing inspires me. Every element and or person I come across becomes an idea. My muse might be a bridge or a tile. Every single element is an inspiration.


What’s your signature painting element? And why?


Sushi is my signature painting element. This a work made with rolls of paper. Each roll is dyed with different types of paints. It is this creation that people associate with me.


The paintings you created are the best without any doubt, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such paintings?  


Sushi without any doubt. What inspired me was seeing how the paper reacts in different ways while being colored. In addition, the process of how different the rolls are when cut. Each roll is a unique piece.


What’s the best piece of artistic advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?


Always follow your heart… and I always do.


As we all know the job of a painter is very tough. So how do you keep your mental and physical health fit?


It is true that it is a hard job. But I enjoy it so much that everything connected to this job brings pleasure and happiness, therefore, it is not tough at all.


What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their career and hoping to make it big as a Paint Artist? 


My advice is to work hard and systematically. People who pursue a career in art must never stop learning. It is a constant process. In order to become a big Paint Artist you must permanently learn in order to grow.


To whom would you like to give credit of your journey till now?


I would like to give credit to every single gallery, fair, and exhibition that kindly enabled me to make my works known. Without them, I wouldn’t have reached my goals.


Anything you wish to share or quote in your interview?


Every day, every new experience, every new person adds a little piece to our lives.

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