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Sharat Pandit

"Art is a healing process for me, Having gone through few ups and down in life, both personal and  professional. A pivotal where the life revolves around, an experience filled with positive vibrations, something sodivine can only be felt. soothing, peaceful.... a feel of divine energy. This feel  inspires me to bring it out in art form."

How would you describe/define yourself?


 I define myself as calm, composed, adaptable and striving to excel in whatever I do. Positive attitude with an attitude to never to give up.


When and why did you decide to choose painting designing as a career? 


Painting became a full time career due to the pandemic in 2019,  with travel restrictions and being  indoors, encouraging me to paint, something had always wanted to do  all my life.


What according to you is a favorite part of being a Paint Artist?


Being the way you are , true to self and expressing yourself through art 


What inspires you as an Artist? How do you visualize your muses?


Poetry and Nature has always inspired me ,right from school time.  Universe and its mystery also been fascinating to me. Having lived in Mumbai I use to be at seaside watching sunsets and walking bare feet on sand...made me a Seapainter. Then a phase of getting into philosophy and reading Keats and so many classical English poets. Rumi and his writings too moved me immensely. 

All my art is inspired by some poetry.  Visualization is not really difficult, I paint a picture in my mind and then simply follow my instinct and intuition to paint. 


What’s your signature painting element? And why?


My signature element is a challenge of using small-sized art paper. I started with miniatures gradually moving on to big sizes. Using Soft Pastels on textured surface and doing a quick  drawing in one sitting. Term it as 

"Blitz Art"  My signature style of art.


The painting you created are best without any doubt, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such painting?  


Nineteen century Impressionist  painters have been my inspiration. Mainly  Claude Monet, Van Gogh and so many other Masters. My art is so much influenced  by their work. My art is a though contemporary and abstract...

Also each piece of art is a reflection of my state of mind . Guess that is what happens with most of the painters. 


What’s the best piece of artistic advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?


Yes indeed, I remember an art instructor from Colorado USA, advising me to be consistent. He has been admiring my art for a long time, I follow till date by being not only consistent but also disciplined in terms of time and keeping art at top priority. Going with the flow of instinct and painting my heart out. 


As we all know job of a painter is very tough. So how do you keep your mental and physical health fit?


To keep my mental health I do Yoga and Meditation. Fitness is the key of well-being. I do Gym and indulge in sensible healthy eating. 


What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their career and hoping to make it big as a Paint Artist? 


I do art classes for small kids, My advice is to just paint with your vivid imagination and have no expectations for any validation. Be your own critic first, before anyone else. Those hoping to make it big, needs loads of hardworking, practice, dedication and discipline, to realize their dreams and reach on top. 


To whom would you like to give credits of your journey till now?


 I give  credit to my late father, who himself was a great fine art painter, I grew up watching him painting daily. Well art is hence in my blood. My sister and family too have always been supportive and encouraging. Hoping to continue with his legacy...Art never dies, like someone said.


Anything you wish to share or quote in your interview?


  Well !! This should be interesting, I loved someone with all my heart, however for reasons still a mystery to me same love was not reciprocated as expected. Hence main theme of all my art  revolves around love. All my art is totally intuitive and imaginative. 

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