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Jean-Louis Bianchi

Jean-Louis Bianchi was born and raised in Corsica, France and moved to the U.K. in 2009. He currently lives in South east London where he embraces his love for art and culture. The artist is skilled in different art forms which include photography and contemporary abstract paintings. His love for travels, sea, sky and nature inspire his artworks. From an early age art has held a special place in Jean-Louis ’s heart. His mother was a major artistic influence and ignited Jean-louis’ passion for creativity. With intense fascination Jean-Louis closely observed his mother as she created paintings, drawings, and was taking pictures . He credits his mother for having taught him many fundamentals about artistic expression.

How would you describe/define yourself?


I would describe myself as an introvert person , a free spirit. who has the need to spend lot of time on its own. Which I think is the key to creativity. 


When and why did you decide to choose painting designing as a career? 


I always had the need to creat, I expressed myself a lot through photography for many years. Painting always has been something I wanted to do but for a very long time I thought it wasn’t a gift given to me. About 3 years ago, I’ve visited an art supplies shop and got myself the necessary. From the moment I’ve completed my first piece I knew that was the path I wanted to follow. 


What according to you is a favorite part of being a Paint Artist?


 Finding inspiration for sure. I love looking at a full moon sky and get inspired by its colours or staring at the ocean for hours wondering how could I recreate the waves pattern on a canvas.


What inspires you as an Artist? How do you visualize your muses?


There’s so much around me who inspires me. Life in general and my surroundings inspires me constantly. I look at a sunset, an ocean or a moonlight and I get inspired.


What’s your signature painting element? And why?


I do a lot of pointillism, I don’t even know how I got to this, it came naturally. It allows me to play a lot with texture and depth. Giving dimension to my work.


The painting you created are best without any doubt, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such painting?  


A little vodka, good music and cozy lighting. A good atmosphere always brings poésie into my paintings.


What’s the best piece of artistic advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?


Do the best you can, do it well, do it only for the love of creating. The only person you should be in competition with is yourself. And that’s what I believe and follow of course. 


As we all know job of a painter is very tough. So how do you keep your mental and physical health fit?


I live day by day. If it’s meant to happen it will happen. The most important thing to me is to enjoy the ride. I believe in myself and i’m an eternal optimist. 

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their career and hoping to make it big as a Paint Artist? 


Be patient, respect your work, do not discourage yourself and believe in what you do. But most importantly, keep going.


To whom would you like to give credits of your journey till now?


I would credit the numerous artists who inspired me to go on and who gave me faith. But most particularly my mother who is also an artist using so many mediums. She ignited me a great passion for creativity and taught me many fundamentals about artistic expression. 


Anything you wish to share or quote in your interview?

My work if the only trace I’ve decided to leave behind in this world. 

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