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Femi Ikotun

FEMI IKOTUN was born 12th April 1991 in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, where he first discovered his talent at the age of 9.

How would you describe/define yourself?


I am a very hard-driven person, with the motivation of other successful artists in my field.


When and why did you decide to choose painting designing as a career? 


I started portrait drawing seriously at the age of 22 because I was encouraged by a friend who is another portrait artist on BBC NEWS which motivated me to take the profession very seriously, hoping to be successful like KELVIN OKAFOR.


What according to you is a favorite part of being a Paint Artist?


My favorite part of being a portrait artist is spending hours studying and drawing the expression on a human face. 


What inspires you as an Artist? How do you visualize your muses?


KELVIN OKAFOR will be someone I can call my muse. 


What’s your signature painting element? And why?




The paintings you created are the best without any doubt, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such paintings?  


My muse always inspire me to draw the facial expression of human, in this manner am able to capture the struggle we face as human


What’s the best piece of artistic advice you’ve heard? And do you follow it?


Don’t give up and yes I do follow it.


As we all know the job of a painter is very tough. So how do you keep your mental and physical health fit?


Staying focused on my goals. 


What advice would you give to someone just starting out in their career and hoping to make it big as a Paint Artist? 


Do what u love, stay focused, be patient, and never give up when it gets hard. 


To whom would you like to give credit of your journey till now?


Definitely, I will give all credit to my parents and sister for believing in my talent.


Anything you wish to share or quote in your interview?


I was told to quit Art and get a day job, but my ears were closed to the voice of dream killers, which motivated me to get this far as an artist.


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